Friday, July 8, 2011

Gourd Fever

I was interviewed by a great gourd company in Canada - Norther Dipper. They have a newsletter called Gourd Fever. I'm the featured artist in Volume 7 Issue 76. It was fun answering all their questions. One of my friends here said, "they make you sound cool." I said (jokingly)... " I am cool!"

I'm giving a program at the end of this month on Gourd History. It's been fun researching the history of this plant/fruit/veggie. My favorite quote, "before there was plastic there was the gourd." If anyone actually reads my blog. Come to my program July 28 7:00 pm and you can decorate your very own gourd to take home:)

Also check out this new book on gourds. I love it and wish I had the patience and skill to do some of these things. You can find it online of course but if you have a TSCPL card, we've got it.

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